Saving Daylight Time

We successfully sorted and trailed (most) of our cows out to winter pasture. We always keep in the older cows that are starting to lose teeth and late calves that we may want to sell, but for the most part the herd dams are out to make a living in the badlands for a while.


I can’t say they are really impressed with the change of scenery seeing as how there is just as much snow out there as there is here at the house. However, this week is supposed to be warmer and should melt most of the snow off.


These are just a few shots of the gather and trail out. The girls moved pretty well, with the older cows knowing where they were supposed to be headed. If you look really closely at the photo above there is a coyote sitting on one of the hills. He sure didn’t seem worried that we were nearby. He is really hard to see if you don’t know where to look. I managed to get a short video of him making some noise, but I didn’t have time to upload it today. Maybe another time.


When they arrived at the pasture, it only took a minute for them to spread out and go to grazing.

I hope you all remembered the time change. Have a good week.

by Brandon Greet

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