A Quick Post, And Some Pictures to Tide You Over
It’s delivery day tomorrow! We have had a whirlwind of a week and today especially has been a blur of moving calves and getting ready to bring beef to customers and, hopefully, make them very happy. We hope you have had a wonderful week and we promise to update you all on the goings on on the ranch next week. In the meantime, here are some pictures from moving the calves this morning.
Quinlan, Jaxon and Brandon, with Daniel off in the distance.
Photo credit: Tessia Greet
Brandon and Quinlan
Photo credit: Tessia Greet
Brandon and Quinlan
Photo credit: Tessia Greet
Quinlan, Brandon and Lorelei
Quinlan, Tess, Jaxon, Brandon and Lorelei
Brandon and Lacee
Carol and the boys
Photo credit: Tessia Greet
Quinlan and Jaxon
Photo credit: Tessia Greet
I think the boys had a great time and the girls got a little time in, too. Thanks so much for your continued support!
By: Megan Greet